Month: March 2022
Are You Prepared for Tornado Season in Texas?
Spring has finally arrived in Texas! While most of us are excited for increasingly sunnier days and the presence of blooming colorful florals, it’s still well known in our state that with spring comes an inevitable tornado season. This spring alone, tornadoes have already hit the ground in several parts of the state. So, as…
How to Prepare Hazardous Waste for Transportation
Industrial plants and businesses across the nation constantly produce hazardous waste. We’ve covered the four basic forms of hazardous waste; but in a nutshell, it’s defined as any substance or material that could have adverse health effects on those that come into contact with it. Obviously, no facility manager is willing to put their employees at…
Keep Your Business Healthier With Integrated Services From TAS
Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response in Dallas-Fort Worth The safety of a business is integral to keeping employees healthy and a workforce effectively in place. When a hazardous health threat makes its way into a business setting, it’s never a good sign for your brand if you don’t have a preparedness plan in place.…
How Can TAS Environmental Improve Your Semiconductor Plant?
How to Improve Your Semiconductor Plant Semiconductor manufacturing plants may create essential products for consumer use, but the truth is that these locations can be a hazardous environment for employees to work in. Without proper training and plant management, workers can easily be exposed to toxic materials that lead to health hazards like cancer and…
How Do Environmental Services Address Different Types of Oil Spills?
Between 2010 and 2019, there were a total of 1.8 major oil spills each year that each released more than 700 metric tons of crude oil into the environment. Although the number of oil spills has drastically reduced over the last few decades, even a more “minor” oil spill can cause substantial damage to the…
Top Horrifying Facts About Untreated Oil Spills
The large oil spills that people have seen on the news in the past aren’t a common occurrence. However, minor spills that leave less than 700 metric tons of oil can happen frequently and have a massive impact on the communities where they strike. If your company is one that transports oil from location to location,…